ACHTUNG! CTHULHU hat sich nun die Lizenz von Pinnacle Entertainment Group für das Savage Worlds Rollenspiel gesichert und ist ausserdem eine Partnerschaft mit Reality Blurs eingegangen um die Achtung! Cthulhu Kampagnen für Realms of Cthulhu anzubieten. Dazu heißt es:
The Secret Was Has Begun…
MODIPHIUS, the London based role-playing games imprint has announced a licence deal with Pinnacle Entertainment Group for the Savage Worlds role-playing game and partnership with Reality Blurs to bring the Achtung! Cthulhu campaigns to the Realms of Cthulhu community.
The Achtung! Cthulhu setting is packed full of fiendish Nazi scientists, terrifying ancient mysteries, legendary German war machines, desperate partisans, gun-toting paratroopers, determined investigators, and enough writhing tentacles to pack ten Reichstags!
Achtung! Cthulhu – Zero Point Part 1 – Three Kings for Realms of Cthulhu is out now at RPGNow.com.Â
Achtung! Cthulhu – Zero Point is a globe-spanning campaign, written by Sarah Newton (Legends of Anglerre, Mindjammer), converted by Dave Blewer (of Sundered Skies fame), with artwork by Dim Martin and layout Michal Cross. Spread over several standalone releases the first 44 page book ‚Three Kings‘ is out now. In this first adventure join a band of heroic soldiers, intelligence agents, and resistance fighters behind enemy lines on the eve of World War Two, as they discover unspeakable horrors in the nightmarish lands of occupied Czechoslovakia! Featuring a complete multi-episode wartime adventure, full colour maps, background details on occupied Czechoslovakia, new rules for wartime investigations, and pre-generated characters so you can get playing straight away!
Each Achtung! Cthulhu campaign book is also a full blown setting with new rules, vehicles, characters, alternate and historical wartime events, setting information and much Savage goodness! The episodic releases are completely stand alone and designed to allow the adventures or setting material to be used within existing games or played as thrilling one off perilous escapades.
Realms of Cthulhu and all associated logos and trademarks are copyright Reality Blurs and are used with permission.
 More Information on Achtung! Cthulhu
Discover the secret history of World War Two – stories of the amazing heroism which struggled to overthrow a nightmare alliance of science and the occult, of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time, and the unbelievable war machines which were the product of Nazi scientific genius – and how close we all came to a slithering end! Â Â Â Play a huge range of classic wartime heroes such as Russian political officers, German U-Boat commanders, British commandoes, RAF pilots, US rangers, Washington investigators, London journalists, Hollywood starlets, and resistance fighters from all across Europe, who must all unite in the battle against the darker side of World War Two. Play three whole campaigns leading from the opening shots of the War in 1939, through intrigue and adventure in Occupied Europe, the siege of Berlin in 1945, and finally the cold wastes of Antarctica in 1946! Â Â Â Written for the popular Call of Cthulhu & Savage Worlds roleplaying game systems, Achtung! Cthulhu will thrust your characters in to the midst of a dark and desperate struggle, as Cthulhu’s minions take advantage of the chaos wrought by the Third Reich to topple civilization! The massive world-spanning Achtung! Cthulhu setting features occult conspiracies, terrifying Nazi war machines, and an ancient evil so powerful that it threatens to tear the world apart! Â Â Â More Information on MODIPHIUSÂ
MODIPHIUS is the London based role-playing games imprint founded by Chris Birch, writer of the Ennie nominated Starblazer Adventures & co-writer of Legends of Anglerre. MODIPHIUS works closely with artists, writers and designers to develop gaming brands that can grow beyond the games market.
More Information on Reality Blurs
Reality Blurs is the Memphis based game design studio started in 2004 by Sean Preston, the creator of Agents of Oblivion, Iron Dynasty, Realms of Cthulhu, and RunePunk and developer and publisher of Ravaged Earth, Shaintar, and more. It holds the unique distinction of being the longest running Savage Worlds licensee in the business. The studio is founded around one simple philosophy-to create games it wants to play. Check out the crew’s website at realityblurs.com for regular news and commentary, join them on Facebook (RealityBlurs), and follow Sean on Twitter @realityblurs.