Atlas Games verschleudern ihre Restbestände von ArsMagica der 4. Edition. Platzmangel ist der schlichte Grund denn die 5. Edition will weiterentwickelt werden. Wer also auf der Suche nach nem Schnäppercken ist hat im februar gelegenheit dazu:
For the month of February, we are offering an insanely cheap clearance-priced bundle of Ars Magica 4th Edition supplements. Each bundle contains the following thirteen titles:
Stock No. | ISBN | Title | MSRP |
AG0252 | 1-887801-58-8 | Hedge Magic | $14.95 |
AG0258 | 1-887801-68-5 | Wizards Grimoire Revised Edition | $24.95 |
AG0261 | 1-887801-75-8 | Ultima Thule | $20.95 |
AG0263 | 1-887801-82-0 | Ordo Nobilis | $25.95 |
AG0266 | 1-887801-92-8 | The Medieval Bestiary Revised Edition | $19.95 |
AG0267 | 1-58978-001-9 | Sanctuary of Ice | $29.95 |
AG0268 | 1-58978-020-5 | The Bishop’s Staff | $10.95 |
AG0269 | 1-58978-025-6 | Blood and Sand: The Levant Tribunal | $29.95 |
AG0270 | 1-58978-032-9 | Land of Fire and Ice | $29.95 |
AG0271 | 1-58978-045-0 | Faerie Stories | $22.95 |
AG0272 | 1-58978-048-5 | Living Lore | $29.95 |
AG0273 | 1-58978-059-0 | Cause and Cure | $17.95 |
AG1150 | 1-880992-41-8 | Lion Of The North | $14.95 |