UKG Publishing haben wieder ein Setting aus der Taufe gehoben das auf Spirit of the Century, dem Fate 3.0 Rollenspiel von Evil Hat aufsetzt. Richard Fannon hat mit Brains and Souls ein Zombie Survival Setting geschaffen das weit aus Mystischer daherkommen kann als man gewohnt ist. Das gute Stück gibt es für Schlappe $2.50 bei DriveThru. Dazu heißt es:
Human, but not human; dead, but not dead. Abandoning all civilised behaviour as they descend below the level of animals. The Arabic ghuls, the Wendigo of Algonquian myth, the draugar of Norse legend and, from Haiti, the zombi.
Stories about zombies are stories about humans. We project our fears onto them, fears about how fragile our civilisation might be and what would happen if everything that we love and everything that we think that we need was suddenly taken away.
SotC is a OGL role-playing game written by Evil Hat Productions and based on their FATE system. This supplement contains additional rules to tailor SotC to the zombie survival genre.
As well as the rules, this book also contains a history of the zombie survival genre of fiction (both in film and in literature) and an exploration of the genre’s influence on today’s society. It asks questions about what it means to be a human being – both as an individual and as part of society. This book should allow you, the GM, to create games where you and your players can explore these issues – and have fun while you’re doing it.