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- DisplacerCon 2024 – Ein Muss für alle Pen&Paper-Fans in Herne
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- Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden – Ein Turbo-Fate-Rollenspiel Crowdfunding am 30.04.2024 um 20:54.
Die Briten geben echt Gas. Jetzt kommt schon das nächste Rollenspiel in die Pipline. Diesmal in Kooperation mit Chaosium und es wundert nicht das es diesmal Cthulhoid zugehen wird! Die Vorlage zum Rollenspiel liefert Charles Stross mit seiner prämierten Serie Laundry (The Atrocity Archives, The Jennifer Morgue, and the forthcoming The Fuller Memorandum). Der British Secret Service hat eine Spezial Abteilung deren Aufgabe es ist die Verteidigung der Erde gegen Alien-Götter aufzunehmen. Ich hätt schon auch Lust mit Spezial-Equipment ala basilisken-Wumme durch die Gegen zu streifen. Im Juli 2010 ist es dann soweit um mit dem Basic Roleplaying System als Regelwerk Abenteuer zu erleben. Dazu heißt es:
Cubicle 7 Entertainment to publish roleplaying game based on Charles Stross’ Laundry Files novels
Cubicle 7 Entertainment is producing a roleplaying game based on the award-winning Laundry series (The Atrocity Archives, The Jennifer Morgue, and the forthcoming The Fuller Memorandum) by the even-more-award-winning Charles Stross, and uses the also-award-winning Basic Roleplaying System (Call Of Cthulhu) by Chaosium Inc.
“We love the Laundry Files novels, so we’re really excited about this game,†said Dominic McDowall-Thomas, Cubicle 7 Director. “The world of the Laundry is a perfect mix of espionage, conspiracy and tentacled menace from beyond the stars.â€
“The books are Lovecraftian spy thrillers. The best elements from both genres are thrown together with a sprinkling of long lost Nazis, terrorist cultists, other foreign governments wanting a piece of the action, as well as Her Majesty’s Civil Service.†added Cubicle 7’s Angus Abranson.
The Laundry is a branch of the British secret service, tasked to prevent hideous alien gods from wiping out all life on Earth. Players take the part of Laundry agents, cleaning up the mess after things go wrong or, sometimes, even managing to prevent the manifestation of ultimate evil. Agents have access to the best equipment they can get their superiors to approve, from Basilisk Guns to portable containment grids to a PDA loaded up with Category A countermeasure invocations.
The game has been designed and written by industry veterans Gareth Hanrahan, Jason Durall and John Snead.
„I’m really excited to be working with Cubicle 7 to bring the sinister world of the Laundry to a wider audience,“ says Charles Stross, Hugo award-winning author of „The Atrocity Archives“ and „The Jennifer Morgue“.
The Laundry RPG is a self-contained rulebook and will be supported by a number of sourcebooks and adventure campaigns. The game is due to be released in July 2010.
For more information on The Laundry RPG, please contact
About Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
Cubicle 7 Entertainment is a British-based publisher and events company, specialising in the games industry. Founded in 2006, by Angus Abranson and Dominic McDowall-Thomas, the company has published role-playing games from a list of licensed and home-grown properties including Victoriana, Starblazer Adventure (based on DC Thomson’s 80’s Starblazer comic series), SLA Industries, Qin: The Warring States and the recent Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space (licensed from the BBC). Cubicle 7 also works with a number of publishing partners helping bring their creations to print and into distribution. In June 2009 Cubicle 7 announced it had joined the Rebellion Group.
Cubicle 7 Entertainment:
About Charles Stross
Charles Stross is a full-time writer who was born in Leeds, England in 1964. He studied in London and Bradford, gaining degrees in pharmacy and computer science, and has worked in a variety of jobs, including pharmacist, technical author, software engineer and freelance journalist. Find out more about Charles Stross at
There are things out there, in the weirder reaches of space-time where reality is an optional extra. Horrible things, usually with tentacles. Al-Hazred glimpsed them, John Dee summoned them, HP Lovecraft wrote about them, and Alan Turing mapped the paths from our universe to theirs. The right calculation can call up entities from other, older universes, or invoke their powers. Invisibility? Easy! Animating the dead? Trivial! Binding lesser demons to your will? Easily doable!
Opening up the way for the Great Old Ones to come through and eat our brains? Unfortunately, much too easy.
That’s where the Laundry comes in – it’s a branch of the British secret service, tasked to prevent hideous alien gods from wiping out all life on Earth (and more particularly, the UK). You work for the Laundry. The hours are long, the pay is sub-par, the co-workers are… interesting (in the Chinese curse sense of the word), and the bureaucracy is stifling – but you do get to wave basilisk guns and bullet wards around, and to go on challenging and exciting missions to exotic locations like quaint, legend-haunted Wigan, cursed Slough and Wolverhampton where the walls are thin.
You may even get to save the world.
Just make sure you get a receipt.
* * *
THE LAUNDRY roleplaying game is based on the award-winning Laundry series (THE ATROCITY ARCHIVES, THE JENNIFER MORGUE, THE FULLER MEMORANDUM) by the even-more-award-winning CHARLES STROSS, and uses the also-award-winning BASIC ROLEPLAYING SYSTEM (CALL OF CTHULHU).
In this book, you’ll find:
• Computational demonology, summoning extradimensional horrors, and three ways to use a shotgun to banish alien monsters.
• A history of the Laundry and the other occult intelligence agencies
• Classified briefings on known threats and monstrous horrors
• Streamlined rules for character creation, investigation and combat
• Three ready-to-play missions Links:
Uhrwerk bittet um Hilfe
DisplacerCon 2024 – Ein Muss für alle Pen&Paper-Fans in Herne
Slayers – Deutsche Ausgabe ab dem 10.09 im Crowdfunding
The Dee Sanction – deutsches Crowdfunding
Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden – Ein Turbo-Fate-Rollenspiel Crowdfunding am 30.04.2024 um 20:54.
Uhrwerk bittet um Hilfe
DisplacerCon 2024 – Ein Muss für alle Pen&Paper-Fans in Herne
Slayers – Deutsche Ausgabe ab dem 10.09 im Crowdfunding
The Dee Sanction – deutsches Crowdfunding
Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden – Ein Turbo-Fate-Rollenspiel Crowdfunding am 30.04.2024 um 20:54.