Cthulhu savaged!
09 Juli 2008

Der Autor

Wenn ich nicht gerade spiele verunstalte ich Medien. Kommt einem zu Gute bei eigenen Rollenspielen wie Malmsturm oder Projekten wie Ratten!, Savage Worlds Gentlemens Edition, Scion, Sundered Skies und ein paar anderen. An und für sich bin ich der Erzählonkel, daher auch die große liebe zu FATE. Manchmal muss es aber auch ein Burger statt Steak sein und so wird gern und oft auch Savage Worlds oder wenn es klasisch sein soll Pathfinder und Konsorten gespielt. Ich probier gern und oft Systeme aus aber die eigentliche Leidenschaft sind die Hintergrundwelten.


Savage Worlds Logo

Cthulu mit Savage Worlds Regeln

Initial R

eality Blurs bisher als Verleger für Rune Punk, Iron Dynasty und Agents of Oblivion aufgefallen legt nun ein neues Setting nach. Die Verhandlungen mit Chaosium scheinen zufriedenstellend gelaufen zu sein und so wird ein Call of Cthulhu Hintergrund mit Savage Worlds Regeln aufgelegt. Dazu Sean Preston von Reality Blurs:

Reality Blurs to Publish Licensed Call of Cthulhu Products for Savage Worlds

We are excited to announce that we are the newest Chaosium licensee and look forward to introducing the Mythos into Savage Worlds! We are greatly honored to work with such an outstanding property for such a terrific game system.

When one hears the name Lovecraft, one’s mind wanders to dread things, alien things, things that are dead, and things that are not, and things that are beyond the ken of humanity. In other words, one’s mind goes to that
venerable creation of a New Englander many years past when society was dealing with the strangeness of science and the potentiality of a world without religion. Lovecraft introduced the possiblity that there were indeed gods, ancient gods, alien gods, to whom all the glories and wonders of our civilizations and the vainglorious illusion of our cerebral superiority were as nothing. In short, we were nothing. So frail were we that even a glimpse at one of these dark denizens showed us how fragile we are. The Mythos revealed the atavistic nature of our humanity and the potentiality that this world was all there was and the powers beyond ourselves, the ones we sought solace in and turned to in our hours of need were the grandest joke of all, for these very creatures viewed us as little more than playthings if they viewed us as anything at all.

I was fortunate enough to grow up in a house full of pulp; old, dog eared books were laden upon our bookshelves intermingled amongst the likes of Edgar Allen Poe, Lord Dunsany, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and the classics of Twain and his ilk. As much as I enjoyed a spectrum of fiction in my youth, I was always fascinated by the strange focus of Lovecraft and his obsession with the bizarre. To me, it seemed, Lovecraft did not so much write strange and weird tales, but reported them. His stories ring with a disturbing resonance that lasts beyond the written page.

Returning to my young adulthood, I also had the rare opportunity to grow up in a hobby shop. Not the quaint world of trains and models, but one of fanciful knights, fearsome dragons, and chests of gold. In more simple
terms, D&D. I loved the game and the books of dark fancy soon were disregarded as I bathed in the works of fantasy authors. However, when I got to the hobby store from school one day and began unloading inventory, what did I discover? My brothers had ordered a new game from a fl edgling company calling itself Chaosium, a game called Call of Cthulhu. Soon we dove back into our passion for scaring each other senseless, one well served by the game, and some of my fondest game memories were of our characters exploits and how we went mad or died in some fantastic fashion. Call of Cthulhu taught us several lessons. The first one was not to get too attached to our characters and the second one was the fine art of roleplaying. In this unforgiving and merciless world where dark gods lie sleeping, your neighbor may be a cultist, guns are lethal, magic is dangerous, and the more you learn, the less you really feel you need to know, this is the dark gift we were given.

In 2004, I received another present, the gift of an innovative game system that struck a chord within me, a system that catalyzed me to actually pursue a longtime dream, a dream of writing in the gaming industry, and for that I owe much thanks to Shane Hensley and his Savage Worlds system.

Now fortune has afforded me the opportunity to delve into the darkness of the Cthulhu mythos and do so with one of the most flexible game systems I’ve ever encountered. If you already play Savage Worlds, I’m preaching to the choir, for those are reading this because of the mention of Cthulhu, I tell you, you’re in for a real treat, because now it’s time for me to put away my dreams and get down to the nightmares that dwell just below the surface. If you don’t think Savage Worlds can handle horror and grit and send rash characters to the morgue or the asylum, I assure you, you are mistaken.

Already a dark team assembles to guide you into the Realms of Cthulhu!

Best Regards,

Sean Preston

Auf der Seite gibt es für den Savage interessantes Spielmaterial wie etwa:

Modern Martial Arts Revised for SWEX! by Clint Black
Modern Martial Arts by Clint Black
Fantasy Character Sheet (Metacreator Template) by Storn Cook

Reality Blurs: Game Design Studio

Wie sehen eure Meinungen zu diesem Setting und Regelmix aus?

6 Kommentare
  1. Das könnte ein durchaus gelungenes Chtulhu Pulp werden, allerdings bezweifle ich das sich das Regelsystem für „klassisches“ Cthulhu eignet.

  2. Nicht besser oder schlechter als BRP oder?
    Denn BRP ist auch nicht gerade ein Storytelling System

  3. Besser oder schlechter als BRP ist ganz klar Geschmackssache. Der Unterschied besteht mMn darin das Savage Worlds eher für schnelle Action geeignet ist (Fast! Furios! Fun! halt), denn für „investigative“ Abenteuer. Fertigkeiten wie Bibliotheksnutzung machen für mich viel vom Cthulhu Feeling aus.

  4. Na, da würde ich doch sagen, wir warten mal ab, wie sie die Regeln umsetzen. Tödlichkeit bekommt man problemlos auch in das SW-Regelwerk, und es sollte kein Problem sein „Bibliotheksnutzung“ zu den Fertigkeiten zu schreiben 🙂

  5. Savage World Konvertierungen sollen auch nicht in Regeln konvertiert werden sondern das Spielgefühl und das Ambiente. ich denke mit diesen Regeln wird das ganze etwas actionreicher aber nicht weniger investigativ. Mit Savage Worlds geht wirklich einiges

  6. hm, als D20 Cthulhu angekündigt wurde war das der Punkt wo mir das System vollends unsympatisch wurde. Aber gut, mit der Zeit wird „Überflüßiges“ eh aussortiert, was man an vielen D20 Systemen sieht. Eigentlich fand ich SW sehr sympatisch, gerade weil sie viel auf neue, eigene Settings gesetzt haben.

Sag was dazu

