Rollenspiel Generatoren
uper Sache die die bessere Hälfte der Kurzschocker, der Andreas da ausgegraben hat. Andreas weist auf den Gerüchtegenerator hin der natürlich superbrauchbar ist um eigene Kurzabenteuer zu bauen zum anderen finden sich dort aber auch eine vielzahl an anderen Generatoren mit denen man so manche Schandtat anstellen könnte. Wenn man möchte! Justin R. Germino hat 28 solcher in Excel geschrieben, die dem geplagten Spielleiter das Leben leichter und den Spielern das Charakterdasein zumindest interessanter, wenn nicht gar zur Hölle machen können:
Die 28 Generatoren sind wie folgt:
- Adventure
- Art Object
- Attribute
- Character Background
- Combat Critical Failure
- Combat Experience
- Combat Critical Wound
- Creating Magical Items
- Equipment Damage
- Gem Type
- Healing & Herbalism
- Martial Arts Moves Name Generator
- Magical Item
- Monthly Weather
- NPC Description
- Prandria Encounter
- Random Curse
- Random Encounter
- Random Name
- Random NPC
- Random Town Stats
- Random Treasure
- Spell
- Tavern Generator
- Town Equipment
- Town Establishment Name
- Trap Generator
- Wild Surge Table
generates tavern, local, and grand adventures
generates the type and value of art objects
generates up to 10 columns of attributes and shows totals.
generates character backgrounds based off of the Hero Builder’s Guidebook tables. MUST SEE!!
generates a melee or missile attack failure
calculates experience for CR encounters & serves as a combat planner
Calculates where a creature or humanoid gets hit and what critical effect occurs
Uses custom rules to calculate the success of creating magical items
generates damage to weapons and armor as a result of combat
Now calculates size, cut, and types of gems.
uses custom rules to generate various herbs that either provide healing (via the healing proficiency, or poisons via the herbalism proficiency)
generates hundreds of names for martial arts moves that your monk might perform.
generates mundane, minor, medium or major magical items, includes psionic and Magic of Faerun Items.
calculates a whole months worth of temperatures and weather.
Generates full descriptions for any NPC (Excellent, MUST SEE!)
Generates thousands of different types of encounters for all different regions
generates minor or major curses
generates encounter based on terrain type, thousands of possible encounters
determines a non human character name using tables from dragon magazines, now includes over 5000 human names!
generates any level, class, race (30 races!), includes routine equipment and skills
Generates town information based on town type.
2 types of treasure generation, my own custom and the standard DMG.
generates spell lists for all classes, includes all spells from many sources.
includes menu’s, drinks, features, prices…etc.
Generates what equipment is available in town, fairly general no specifics.
generates Tavern, Smithy, Library and any other facility name. MUST SEE!!
generates magical and nonmagical traps based on 3 difficulty categories.
generates the effects of an arcane spell failure or wild surge.
Das ganze findet sich dort:
Rollenspiel Generatoren Download
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