Hero Lab V3.1 Released
15 Feb 2009

Der Autor

Wenn ich nicht gerade spiele verunstalte ich Medien. Kommt einem zu Gute bei eigenen Rollenspielen wie Malmsturm oder Projekten wie Ratten!, Savage Worlds Gentlemens Edition, Scion, Sundered Skies und ein paar anderen. An und für sich bin ich der Erzählonkel, daher auch die große liebe zu FATE. Manchmal muss es aber auch ein Burger statt Steak sein und so wird gern und oft auch Savage Worlds oder wenn es klasisch sein soll Pathfinder und Konsorten gespielt. Ich probier gern und oft Systeme aus aber die eigentliche Leidenschaft sind die Hintergrundwelten.


Hero Lab Logo


Initial L

one Wolf Development beschert eine neue Version seines Charakter-Generators Hero Lab. Version 3.1 wartet nun mit der kompletten Savage Worlds Unterstützung auf, unterstützt D&D 4E und auch das Authoring Kit erfuhr ein paar Neuerungen. Zu den Neuerungen heißt es im Detail:

Program Enhancements and Changes in V3.1
1. Extensive additions and refinements were made to the Authoring Kit. Full
details will be documented within the wiki for the Kit.
2. The Skeleton data files have been revised in places to add new capabilities
and fix a few issues that were detected. Full details will be documented
within the Authoring Kit wiki.
3. Printing of a spillover page continues until a page is generated that
contains no data to be output, at which point printing continues with the
next page.
4. All new user-created data files that are created with the integrated Editor
will be assigned a file extension of „.user“. This keeps them distinct from
„.dat“ files. Existing „.dat“ files will continue to work fine.
5. If any error occurs when compiling data files, a retry is performed that
excludes all user-created „.user“ files, allowing the user to exit HL,
relaunch, and resume editing the files to fix the problem.
6. When importing data files, HL warns if you’re about to import packages over
a non-package game system (or vice versa).
7. You can right-click on a pick within a table and see the list of tasks
associated with only that pick.
8. Added right-click option to the pick debug menu that allows you to copy the
unique id of the pick to the clipboard.
9. The Editor allows you to assign field overrides as part of bootstraps.
10. When you create a new thing in the editor, the unique id is initialized with
a suitable prefix for the thing (e.g. „ft“ for feats).
11. The „Show Debug Info“ menu item now appears at the top of the debug info
window list.
12. When editing exprreqs in the Editor, the text area is now wider than before.
Also, leading and trailing whitespace is now stripped off when the exprreq
is loaded.
13. On the Configure Hero form, the rule summary list is now integral height, so
it never shows half-items.
14. The height of the Settings form within the Configure Hero form has been
15. In the Editor, the lot size, holdable, stacking behavior controls only show
up on tabs for gear and/or stackable items, as appropriate.
16. In the Editor, prereqs, exprreqs and pickreqs can now edit the „only once“
and „is silent“ attributes.
17. Redesigned the Editor (again) to make more efficient use of space.
18. The Editor can now edit gear scripts.

Program Bugs Fixed in V3.1
1. Tab panels were sometimes being flagged as invalid when a different actor
(master or minion) possessed the validation error.
2. When auto-tags are assigned via a bootstrap with a condition test, the tags
are only assigned to the pick when the condition test is satisfied.
3. When rendering character sheet output, the engine now makes sure that the
contents of every portal are restricted to the bounds of the portal, as well
as the contents of every template and layouts being similarly restricted.
4. Non-selected sources are always saved along with selected sources now,
ensuring that new sources added to the data files with a default state of
„selected“ will be properly added to the list of selected sources.
NOTE! This change will cause any sources with a default state of selected to
suddenly appear whenever the user accesses saved default settings or
loads a saved portfolio. Users will need to deselect those sources
again and re-save to correct the problem, after which everything
should work smoothly.
5. HL would sometimes crash where trying to display certain special strings.
6. Sometimes tables would not properly update their highlighted state when
switching between tabs.
7. The editor would crash at certain window sizes if you tried to scroll the
table of fields for a thing.
8. The contents of some tables would be aligned incorrectly due to confusion
with the gap sizes between items in the tables.
9. After using Print Preview, a region in the center of the main window would
sometimes display oddly.
10. Dynamically splicing a new tag for a thing added via the Editor would result
in the tag being added repeatedly instead of being re-used properly.
11. The sizing of some elements on the screen and within printouts was incorrect.
12. Validation errors on picks within gizmos were showing a useless entity name.


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