Ich mag das Rollenspiel Artesia, naja gut sagen wir ich mag es ein bischen mehr. Um so mehr freut es mich das Mark Smylie, der Kopf hinter Artesia sich nach langer Zeit wieder auf FB zu Wort meldete. Es geht darin um Roman Black Heart der der Nachfolger des Artesia-Romans The Barrow ist. Diesen will er nun selbst via Patreon verlegen. Dazu schreibt er:
Apparently it has been several years since I last posted here, for which I apologize. Part of that is a fundamental ambivalence about Facebook as a platform (all the more strongly felt nowadays), and part of that was the simple fact that there was no real news to report. But now there is! At least of a sort. BLACK HEART, the sequel to THE BARROW, is still unfinished for a variety of „reasons,“ complicated by the sale last year of my previous publisher, the fantasy imprint Pyr, to new owners who are uninterested in publishing the long-gestating sequel. They are also not being very helpful in regards to getting the rights to the first novel back, which unfortunately is very much part of getting a new publisher (the publishers I have spoken to are really only interested in the sequel rights if they can also get the first book, which makes sense). Rather than let the rights/publication situation delay things further, I have decided to move towards self-publishing the sequel, starting with a Patreon as I finish the book. I’ll be releasing chapters as work progresses, at least one a week (there are 37 chapters of BLACK HEART in the can right now, with about 10 to finish), plus putting out some material to support the roleplaying game and some occasional maps, illustrations, and other goodies.
I know I have some work to do to get all this going again, but I am excited to share what I’ve been working on the last few years! You can find more info and some free-to-read chapters here:
For the Queen of Dara Dess! Finally, an interesting news… in der schlandigen Rollenspielblogeinöde. Danke für den Hinweis – 10$/Monat finde ich etwas ambitioniert.