Savage Worlds Neue Lizenznehmer
26 Jan. 2009

Der Autor

Wenn ich nicht gerade spiele verunstalte ich Medien. Kommt einem zu Gute bei eigenen Rollenspielen wie Malmsturm oder Projekten wie Ratten!, Savage Worlds Gentlemens Edition, Scion, Sundered Skies und ein paar anderen. An und für sich bin ich der Erzählonkel, daher auch die große liebe zu FATE. Manchmal muss es aber auch ein Burger statt Steak sein und so wird gern und oft auch Savage Worlds oder wenn es klasisch sein soll Pathfinder und Konsorten gespielt. Ich probier gern und oft Systeme aus aber die eigentliche Leidenschaft sind die Hintergrundwelten.


Savage Worlds Logo

kostenlose Figure Flats

Initial E

s gibt neue Paper Minis für Savages. Jordan Peacock hat für Pinnacle Entertainment eine Horde Zombies in die bekannten Figure Flats für das Rollenspiel Savage Worlds verwandelt. Aber die Flats sind natürlich auch als Ersatz für alle anderen Miniaturen geeignet um auf einer Battlemat für Unruhe zu sorgen. Günstiger kommt man nicht an strategische Marker.
Weiterhin gibt es zwei neue Lizenznehmer für Savage Worlds.
Phillips Gaming Studio schreibt:

2009 Product Catalog

Phipps Studios has a big year planned and we hope that our fans will enjoy the products that we’ll soon have ready for release. Fan support is important to us and we’ll be releasing oodles of new information regarding the various products listed below as they come closer to release.

Savage Worlds Licensed Products
Black Hole
„In the darkness of space, there are a thousand ways to die.“
The universe is a cold and menacing place in the Stellar Cloak Galaxy. A million worlds view for supremacy over a galaxy overrun with terrifying Bugs, fascist powers, mercenary super-conglomerates, and other dimensional horrors. The player characters are Spacers that must make their way in this strange and unforgiving universe. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll make it a better place.

Black Hole is a setting book for Savage Worlds. It is a supplement that will provide all of the information necessary for stories to be run in the coldness of the Void. It is the first of a series of supplements set in the Stellar Cloak Galaxy.

Black Hole contains:

* New Edges and Hindrances.
* New Racial Templates for characters.
* A description of the Stellar Cloak Galaxy and dozens of new worlds to play in.
* The History of the Stellar Cloak Galaxy.
* An Antagonists section with a selection of pregenerated villains for Narrators to use.
* A storytelling guide for the setting.
* New Rules for Savage Worlds.
* New Equipment for Savage Worlds.
* A adventure generator for Savage Worlds.
Availability: Coming Soon for 2009.

Has to be Done
„Do you have what it takes to do what has to be done?“

Welcome to the Conspiracy, Agent. The world is not as you know it. Aliens, eldrich horrors, highly technologized terrorist groups, and secret societies fill the world. The largest organization in the world is the Pyramid. An organization that is dedicated to the salvation of humanity from the forces of the inhuman. Dare the player characters face down the various threats that stand between them and world domination?

Has to be Done is a setting book for Savage Worlds. It is a book designed to provide Narrators with a setting, rules, and character creation guide for the playing of Weird Spy Fiction. It is the first of a series of supplements set in Shadow Earth.

Has to be Done contains:

* A host of new Edges and Hindrances.
* A Guide to the Pyramid and its Thirteen Factions.
* A description of Shadow Earth and the Conspiracy’s influence on various nations.
* The History of Shadow Earth.
* An Antagonists section with a selection of pregenerated villains for Narrators to use.
* A storytelling guide for the setting.
* New Rules for Savage Worlds.
* New Equipment for Savage Worlds.
* A adventure generator for Savage Worlds.

Availability: Coming Soon for 2009.

„Where the clang of steel rings loudly and the blood of men flows freely.“

The land of Winterweir is a cold and unforgiving nation in the world of Teth-Ammon. A world that is constantly besieged by dark and nightmarish things from the Netherdeep and Far Chaos. A world where racial tensions run deep between the various peoples. A world where there is no obvious good and many accepted evils. It is a world desperately needing heroes, or at least people willing to kill the darkness.

Winterweir is a the first in a series of setting books for the world of Teth-Ammon. A campaign starter that provides an overview of the world and its many political conundrums. It gives all the information necessary to run a Dark Fantasy campaign in a world of horrors gone wild.

Winterweir contains:

* A host of new Edges and Hindrances.
* New Racial Templates for characters.
* A guide to new magical powers and how to create them.
* A number of new nations to adventure in.
* The History of Teth-Ammon.
* An Antagonists section with a selection of pregenerated villains for Narrators to use.
* A storytelling guide for the setting.
* New Rules for Savage Worlds.
* New Equipment for Savage Worlds.
* A adventure generator for Savage Worlds.

Availability: Available March 2009.

Von White Haired Man dem zweiten Lizenznehmer lässt sich allerdings nicht nicht viel erfahren. Da das Kampagnensetting Kith’takharos aber für Fantasy Grounds erhältlich ist und der virtuelle Spieltisch auch Savage Worlds unterstützt…


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