Diaspora & Spirit of the Far Future
Fate zieht seine Kreise. So muss das auch sein! Es wären aber auch Perle vor die Säue geschmissen wenn dieses schmucke Regelwerk keine Beachtung finden würde. Neben dem offiziellen Setting Spirit of the Century als Pulp Vertreter von Evil Hat Productions haben sichauch Cubicle 7 mit Starblazers Adventures eine Rollenspiel mit Fate-Regelgerüst gebracht um all jene zu befriedigen denen nach Space Opera verlangt. Scheinbar hat Fate es den Sci-Fi Anhängern angetan denn mit Limitless Horizons wurde in die selbe Kerbe gehauen. Nun steht den Fans der Hard-Sci-Fi ein Setting bevor welches seine Inspiration bei Autoren wie Vernor Vinge, Iain M. Banks, und Jack McDevitt gefunden hat. Zu Diaspora heißt es:
Humanity as a space-faring species is tens of thousands of years old,
and societies have risen and fallen so many times that no one
remembers where we come from. Colonies are grouped in clusters of a
few systems connected by slipstreams — faster than light tunnels that
might be artifacts of the cosmos or perhaps a forgotten technology.And still humanity strives world against world and all against the
entropy that drives civilizations to destruction or ascension. What
will your part in the human Diaspora be?„Diaspora“ is a science-fiction role-playing game that takes place in
a future inspired by authors like Vernor Vinge, Iain M. Banks, and
Jack McDevitt. Space is full of competent blue collar workers,
traders, travellers, and soldiers. The universe is a dangerous place,
but the dangers are largely human. The game uses a variation on the
Fate system as typified in Evil Hat’s „Spirit of the Century“. To play
you will need pencils, paper, friends, and fudge dice.
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Aber nochmal zurück zur Space Opera denn auch hier hat sich was getan. Mit Spirit of the Far Future haben die selben Autoren wie von Diaspora, Brad Murray, C.W. Marshall, Byron Kerr, und Tim Dyke ein Regelgerüst geschaffen welches auf Fate fußt aber im Classic Traveller Setting spielt. Dazu heißt es:
Spirit of the Far Future promises to provide the feel of CT within the mechanics of Spirit of the Century. These rules presume the player (or group) has access to SotC rules, and has some familiarity with the Traveller setting: we have drawn primarily on Classic Traveller, but other rulesets in the Traveller setting should work as well. For material not covered here, “crunch†(specific rule mechanics) should default to SotC, and “fluff†(narrative conventions and details from the setting) should default to Traveller. Fair warning, though: as a game, Spirit of the Far Future is really a set of conversion notes, allowing you to play your Traveller game (which you must already own to make any use of this at all) with your hot and modern FATE version 3 game mechanics as embodied in Evil Hat Production’s, Spirit of the Century (which you also should own).
Is this Traveller? Is anything? At our table, Spirit of the Far Future keeps the best of both systems, and yields an exciting, fast-paced, science fiction RPG that is fun. Fun for us, and fun for those who didn’t spend part of their youth rescuing the Annic Nova. What is Traveller? Traveller is anything that remains true to the spirit of the far future.