Neues aus der Sprawl
atalyst Game Labs stellte sich einer Frage-Antwort Stunde, in Form eines für jeden offenen Entwickler Chats. Dazu heißt es: This Saturday, February 16th, at 10AM PST, Catalyst Game Labs is presenting a public Question and Answer with Shadowrun developers. For any who’d like to join in, please visit the SR public chat at the appropriate time.
Because this is the first Shadowrun chat that CGL has offered, this one will be open to general question and answers. Future chats may be focused on specific themes. The chat will be moderated to allow for an orderly system of asking and answering questions.
The chat is open to the general public. BattleCorps membership is not required, and there is no fee for participation.
Ich selber habs leider verpasst. Dafür war aber sirdoom’s bad company Weblog dort und hat für uns einige Fragen und Antworten festgehalten:
-Deutsche Shadowrun Lizenz:
“Unfortunatly there is some confusion about the legal status of current translation rights. Publications which continue to appear in germany seem to violate the licence we(Catalyst Gaming Labs) have negotiated with Wizkids. That said, we currently have our contract under review in with Wizkids and once that is approved, we move on with foreign sub-licences.†[background link 1, link 2]
“We are in negotiations with a german publisher to create German language books†[Pegasus]
-Die “übliche†Lizenzdauer beträgt übrigens 3 Jahre…
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