Joe Sweeney von Storyweaver Games, dem ein oder anderen bekannt durch die Savage Worlds Produkte Hael und High Space oder das Rollenspiel Rapture haben ein Video Tutorial ins Netz gestellt das zeigt wie man die schicken blauen Karten von annokuckuck mapped. Dazu heißt es:
Want to create OLD SCHOOL D&D maps?
Discover the secrets of OLD SCHOOL D&D mapping!All the wonderful, old school D&D books and adventures are being released in PDF and I am in mapping heaven! Remember those magical ‚blue‘ dungeons from your teen-age years? Well, I plan to bring them back with all this retro D&D now available at RPGNow.com
In these tutorials, you will learn how to create your own old school symbol catalog (or any catalog you can imagine) and then how to develop your own styles and automated drawing tools. And it all starts… RIGHT HERE.PS. You’ll want Campaign Cartographer for this tutorial, but you do not need any other add-on.