Vagrant Workshop haben ihr neuestes Rollenspiel Vampire City veröffentlicht. Vampire City basiert auf Jörg Dünnes Western City und ist ein spielleiterloses Rollenspiel. Dazu heißt es:
Vampires have appeared in legend for time immemorial, throughout all ages of history. Vampire City represents a new voice in their tale, inviting you to make it your own. Romanticism and tragedy, sacrifice and avarice, diplomacy and betrayal, gift and curse, the struggle with mortality: this game is not for the faint of heart.
A roleplaying game for three to five players, Vampire City focuses on these dark souls. Without the need for a gamemaster, the game allows everyone to participate in a truly collaborative experience; giving free reign to pursue even contrary interests!
(On an unrelated note: please bear with us while our forums remain offline. We’re working on a site update, which is why this takes a bit longer than expected.)