4E Setting
ongoose Publishing bringen mit Wraith Recon ihr erstes Buch für D&D 4th Edition heraus. Wraith Recon ist ein High Fantasy-Setting in dem die Spieler, Charaktere einer Spezialeinheit in den Diensten des Königreiches Darrdarick übernehmen. Men in Black in einer Fantasywelt…
Dazu heißt es:
A new setting designed specifically for the 4th edition rules, Wraith Recon sees players taking on the roles of special forces in a world of high fantasy, sent on perilous missions to secure the safety of the Kingdom of Dardarrick. As members of the elite Wraith Recon teams, they are equipped with the finest enchanted items, including the mysterious SpellCom omnilens, a powerful item that enhances the senses and links the team together as they battle the enemies of Dardarrick.
Full support is being given to the new Wraith Recon line, including articles in Signs & Portents, the first Mission pack, Skies of Fire, released in November, and the first supplement, Enemies Within, due in December.
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